
Welcome to the Future of Finance with Kormega

The premier crypto token built on the Optimism Network. We're not just another digital currency; we're the Technology token, pioneering the convergence of blockchain technology and finance. With Kormega, we're bridging worlds to shape a brighter tomorrow.

Buy before Exchange Listings

( 0% )
Stage 1

Kormega Presale

Presale Price : $0.01
Buy With
You Pay ETH
Balance : 0
Balance : 0
You have already Bought : 0 KMG

Our Commitment to Innovation

What sets Kormega apart is our commitment to innovation and progress. A portion of our proceeds is dedicated to funding futuristic technologies that push the boundaries of what's possible.

From transforming plastic and other waste into fuel to spearheading space exploration, farming, and mining, Kormega is at the forefront of revolutionary advancements.

Our vision extends beyond the confines of Earth, with initiatives focused on creating sustainable habitats and even exploring the red planet itself—Mars.

But Kormega isn't just about groundbreaking projects; it's about community and impact. By investing in Kormega, you're not just acquiring a token; you're becoming part of a movement. Together, we're shaping the future, one technological leap at a time.

Join us on this extraordinary journey with Kormega—the one-of-a-kind, unique token that's redefining what's possible in the world of crypto. Experience the future today.

Kormega's Tokenomics

Token Distribution

Presale - 10%

10% of total supply, Opportunity for early investors to establish a strong foundation.

ICO - 40%

A second chance for interested investors to aquire Kormega tokens for a lower price is during the ICO. As 40% of the total supply are reserved for this stage.

Liquidity - 40%

A 40% portion of total supply is dedicated to ensuring smooth trading on Centralized and Decentralized Exchanges.

Marketing and Team - 10%

10% of total supply is allocated for marketing and platform development for global visibility and user experience enhancement.

Transaction Fee

Burn Fee
Marketing Fee
Liquidity Fee
Space Exploration
Futuristic Technology

2% burn tax on buy and sale can gradually reduce token supply and maintain a consistant increase in price

How To Buy

To buy Kormega, first fund your wallet with ETH on Optimism Network. You can use Trust Wallet, or any wallet that supports the Optimism Network. However, we recommend using MetaMask for its ease and reliability.

You can use Optimism Eth and Optimism USDT to buy Kormega Token.

USDT address on Optimism is given below:
USDT Optimism : 0x94b008aa00579c1307b0ef2c499ad98a8ce58e58

For detailed instructions on setting up and using MetaMask, please see the information below.

When buying Kormega tokens, remember to import your tokens into your wallet to secure and manage your digital assets effectively.

Import Tokens on MetaMask

To import tokens using a contract address on MetaMask, follow these steps:

Open MetaMask : Launch the MetaMask extension in your browser and log in with your password.

Select the Network : Ensure you are on the correct network (e.g., Ethereum Mainnet, Optimism Network etc.) where the token resides. You can switch networks using the dropdown at the top of the MetaMask interface.

  • Access the Import Tokens Feature
  • Scroll down to the bottom of the MetaMask interface.
  • Click on "Import tokens".
  • Add Custom Token.
  • In the Import Tokens screen, switch to the "Custom Token" tab.
  • Enter Token Contract Address

Obtain the token's contract address from a reliable source such as the project's official website, their verified social media accounts, or trusted platforms like Etherscan (for Ethereum-based tokens).

Copy and paste the contract address into the "Token Contract Address" field in MetaMask. MetaMask Auto-fills Token Details:

Once you paste the contract address, MetaMask will automatically fill in the "Token Symbol" and "Decimals of Precision" fields.

If these fields are not auto-filled, you can manually enter the token symbol and decimals (you can usually find this information on the same page where you got the contract address).

Confirm the Import:

  • Click on the "Add Custom Token" button.
  • Review the token details to ensure everything is correct.
  • Click "Import Tokens" to finalize the import process.
  • Verify Token in Wallet

After importing, the token should appear in your MetaMask wallet interface under the Assets tab. By following these steps, you can successfully import a custom token into your MetaMask wallet using its contract address.

How To Add Optimism Mainnet to Metamask

To add the Optimism Mainnet network to MetaMask, follow these steps:

Open MetaMask: Click on the MetaMask extension in your browser.

Open the Network Dropdown: Click on the network dropdown at the top of the MetaMask window (it usually says "Ethereum Mainnet" by default).

Select "Add Network": Scroll down and click on "Add Network" or "Add Network Manually".

Enter Network Details: Input the following details into the form:

  • Network Name: Optimism Mainnet
  • New RPC URL: https://mainnet.optimism.io
  • Chain ID: 10
  • Currency Symbol: ETH
  • Block Explorer URL: https://explorer.optimism.io/
  • Save the Network: Click Save to add the Optimism Mainnet network to MetaMask.

Switch to Optimism Network: After saving, MetaMask will automatically switch to the Optimism Network. You can now send, receive, and interact with Optimism-based assets and dApps.

For more detailed instructions and screenshots, you can refer to the official Optimism Docs or MetaMask support pages. Additionally, the community documentation on setting up Optimism on MetaMask is also helpful (OptimismDocs) (Home).

Once you've added the network, you should be able to switch between Ethereum Mainnet and Optimism Mainnet by selecting the appropriate network from the dropdown menu in MetaMask.

Help And Support

Our active support team will promptly help you on Social Platforms